Who We Are
The Savannah River Restoration Board was established in 2015 utilizing funds from the Savannah River Harbor Settlement Fund. Our mission is to prioritize the health of the Lower Savannah River by providing financial support to projects that demonstrably improve water quality and the health of aquatic ecosystems.
We achieve this goal through two primary grant programs:
The recipients of these funds are limited to local, state and federal government entities, and 501(c)3 non-governmental entities. Individuals and private companies may not apply, but are allowed to partner with any of the aforementioned qualified organizations to apply for these funds.
Projects must reside within the Lower Savannah Basin as defined by the following 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes:
Middle Savannah River 03060106
Lower Savannah River 03060109
Calibogue Sound/Wright River 03060110
Funding Cycle
Annually the Restoration Board will accept applications from July 15th to August 31st each year, contingent upon funding, for either of the grant programs: Oxbow Restoration and Lower Savannah Basin Restoration programs.
The Lower Savannah Basin Restoration program may provide annually anywhere from $25,000 to $250,000 per project. The Oxbow Restoration program may provide annually anywhere from $500,000 to $1,000,000 per project. Oxbow applicants are expected to partner with the Corps of Engineers as non-federal sponsor of a restoration project. Applicants must designate which grant program they are applying under and may only apply under one program each grant cycle.
The Restoration Board will review proposals at the September board meeting, approve proposals in November, and announce them in December. Applicants may receive notification to present their projects to the Board at the September meeting.
Due Date:
August 31, 2024
More information:
Apply For Grant
Lower Savannah Restoration Program
Projects eligible for funding includes stream restoration; aquatic organism passage barrier removal/improvements (dam removals, culvert replacements to bridges, needed upstream and downstream safe fish passage etc.); riparian buffer restoration/enhancement and protection; or land acquisition (fee simple or conservation easements) in conjunction with restoration activities (all land acquisition must have a means of permanent protection). All projects must have objectives to improve water quality and/or aquatic functioning within the Lower Savannah Basin.
Oxbow Restoration Program
Projects eligible for funding include oxbow restoration or restoring hydrology to cutoff bends to the river channel for various benefits to water quality and aquatic resource function.
What We are Looking For:
Make your project stand out by incorporating all of the elements we believe will make a successful project:
Leveraging Funds
Federal and State funding often require matching funds. We want to be those funds.
Proven Expertise
Expertise is important when rerouting sections of a river system. Prove you are the right fit for the job.
Scientifically Sound
Projects must minimize adverse impacts to the highest extent practicable.
For More Information: